Tuesday, May 28, 2013

#ProjectEgypt has begun...

Hello everyone, this blog post marks the very first movement of #ProjectEgypt. Today as I was preparing to get ready for work, I was watching CNN and a story came on that stirred something up inside of me.

Apparently Chicago just closed 52 schools and the African American community was hit the hardest. The newscast reporter claims it was because of low attendance, which I do not doubt, but this has to end now. I know that there are many organizations fighting to make a change in the African American community but something more needs to be done. Something deeper...

Today this country is very blessed but as a nation we are falling away from God, and as a people African Americans are taking the largest hits from this falling away. Our people, who used to sing hymns in the field, who marched for freedom, who were once chained and had their shackles loosed have committed the ultimate crime. We have fallen away from the One who delivered us from bondage.

As a result we are in a worst state than before, and the "American Egypt" that once enslaved us is now no longer openly striking us with whips and forcing us to labor; no, now the slavery that we face as a people has gone deeper. It is inside of us. We are enslaved by our culture. We are enslaved by recent traditions. We are enslaved by ignorance.

I can no longer sit by and watch as hundreds of thousands of African Americans glorify hatred, poverty, drug use, and gang violence. This culture, that we have grown so strongly attached to has to change. The fact that we are murdering our own in the streets for pocket change and what we call "respect" is no longer acceptable.

The issues that we face cannot be solved with money, it cannot be solved with police enforcement, neither can it be solved by simply promoting a positive message in mainstream hip-hop. These issues must be solved internally. The shackles that we have on our people are no longer attached to our legs, necks, and feet, but to our spirits!

This message is not about religion. It is not about morals. I believe we all have attended a church service and we know the difference between right and wrong. No this message is about FREEDOM, EMPOWERMENT, and taking a STAND against the TASKMASTER who now lives inside of us, who has even gone so far as to convince us that we should call each other N*GGERS.

This must end. This culture must be reformed. There must no longer be simple city hall gatherings and Al Sharpton speaking on behalf of African Americans when one of us are mistreated. We must start a movement.

We must start a fire in our hearts that spreads from one African American to another until our entire community is reformed!

I cannot promise how long this process is going to take, I don't know exactly how each portion of this movement will come together, and I can't even guarantee I understand exactly what every step is that we need to take to make this happen. But I can tell you this, all it takes is one match to light up a darkened room, and right now I am doing my part to light the first match in our darkened hearts.

The first match that we need to light, will be to define #ProjectEgypt and gather as many other people to bring awareness to this movement as possible. The more people that talk about it, the more opportunities there will be to gain resources to help teach others about and fund such a drastic change in American culture. Yes, I said American culture, not just African American culture, but the culture of this ENTIRE COUNTRY. As our people rise up out of darkness we can shine a light throughout the rest of this nation, but it has to start here. With our people, in the urban communities.

I am not claiming to be the "black Moses" or anything special, I am just an African American who has learned the truth and now I feel compelled that I must share it with others. I need God's forgiveness like everyone else so I am not striking out to condemn my people but out of love. And this love that I am speaking of NEVER fails, therefore that is what I will use to fuel the heart of this movement.

If you are tired of being enslaved, tired of being mentally shackled down by poverty, tired of being in bondage to poverty. Join me. Join this movement.

Well, how do you join you might ask? You can start by repenting for turning away from the one who delivered us from slavery! He is merciful to forgive. He stood by us then and He is still here now. As I stated earlier this is not about religion this is about FREEDOM. The only one who can truly change a darkened heart and bring about internal change is Jesus Christ. So if you want the strength and ability to stand together with me in this movement, you will need to empty your heart of the dirt and chains that keep it in bondage, and fill it with love; fill it with Christ.

Simply pray this out loud "Lord God I am sorry for not believing in your power to save, I'm sorry for not believing in your power to free me from this terrible place of poverty and destruction that I'm in, most of all Lord God I am sorry for my sins. I believe that your Son Jesus died on the cross for me and I want forgiveness, I want to do your will and to help change my community, but right now Lord I need you to change my heart. In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

If you said that prayer the shackles that once had you enslaved have been loosed and the "Taskmaster" is no longer in control! Even if you are not African American you can still pray that prayer and you will also be freed from your spiritual bondage as well. Everyone of all ethnic groups and cultures are invited to help join #ProjectEgypt and stir up this change!

So now the hard part begins. Go into your local church and tell them what you just prayed and tell them about #ProjectEgypt. Tell them that freedom is coming back to the African American communities and lead them and others that you may know to this blog.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this blog and movement I want you to email me directly at my personal email address Cojackson@wccnet.edu.

Tell your friends! Post this blog to Twitter and Facebook! Use the Hashtag #ProjectEgypt when you tweet about something related to this cause! Be a light and do your part to help free our communities from bondage! It is time to end the killing, poverty, and ignorance!

There will be future updates coming very soon that further define/outline this movement and also detailing the next steps that we must take...

#ProjectEgypt has begun.

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